Исполнитель: Ольга Скрипник
Автор текста: Ta4sa Наталья Кулик
Автор музыки: Greg Григорий Штимер
Размещено: 21 марта 2025 21:51
Swinging in the mundane, life’s a wild parade,
We’re all just performers in this great charade.
With a smirk and a wink, I’m embracing the grand,
Like a jazz tune that’s carefree, let the rhythm expand.
Swinging in the mundane, life's a circus show,
I meet a lot of people and say to them Hello.
Talkin’ all the small talk, my words are laced with flair,
Like jazz in a coffee shop, floatin’ on through the air.
Swinging in the mundane, life’s like a bullfight,
Enjoy the little things that make each day feel bright,
Cherishing those moments that time cannot erase.
Like jazz is always treatin’, at any time and place.
Swinging in the mundane, life is too, too short,
Let’s dance until we’re done, let’s build another world.
From chaos to laughter, we’ll swing and we’ll sway.
In this jazzy little journey, let’s chase blues away.